Acts of Kindness
Wed 13 Nov 2019
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention, " Oscar Wilde".
I was with one of my young grandchildren and we were having a snack at a café. There was a gentleman sitting at another table beside us that clearly had health issues. He had uncontrollable shaking plus mobility problems.
The gentlemen was alone and each simple task took him a long time to accomplish. Even unwrapping his sandwich was very difficult for him. However, he persevered, not giving up. He started to get up aided by his cane and was looking around. I asked him if I could help with something. He said he forgot his straw. I asked if I could get it for him. He responded with a yes please. I handed it to him and sat down again watching as he tried over and over to get the straw into his drink. I waited some seconds then went over and put it into the drink for him. He just looked at me and simply said, thank you.
My grandson watched as this was unfolding before him and he said to me, “Do you know that man Gran?”, and I responded with a “No darling”. He then said, “How come you helped him if you do not know him?” I said to him “You do not need to know someone in order to be kind and helpful”.
Another gentleman that was sitting at a table on the other side of us said “Madame you can sleep well tonight, that was a kind thing you did for that man”. Funny, I really did not think about it until he said that, which brought a tear to my eye and a look of understanding from my grandson.
From my studies there was a common phrase that always comes up, “Be aware of what is happening around you”.
So take the time and make the time to be aware of what is happening all around YOU. A simple kind gesture, act or word will bring so much joy to the other person. In some instances, you can change a person’s life. Never underestimate the power of giving. It works for both the giver and the receiver.
Donna Hein Results Coaching Brisbane can be contacted on 0424 313 771 for any Personal Development Workshops or Coaching for Businesses or Personal.